Legally Blondes DVD Chat: Milly & Becky Rosso on Filming and Future Plans

By Marco Chacon
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Legally Blondes DVD Chat: Milly & Becky Rosso on Filming and Future Plans

Pink is back this April with the release of Legally Blondes (aka Legally Blonde 3)  on DVD. FlickDirect's staff member, Marco Chacon, recently had a chance to talk with Milly Rosso , Becky Rosso about the film…

Marco Chacon: I understand from your bios you were born in the United Kingdom. Where do you live now?

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: We live in Los Angeles now.  We grew up just outside of London but moved to California about three years ago.  We love it here, but we go back every summer if we can!

Marco Chacon: You are coming in at part three of a franchise.  I assume you would have seen the other movies.  What appealed to you about them?

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: We love the original and the second one.  Reese Witherspoon is our favorite actress, and it is  an honor to be in the series!

Marco Chacon: Was there a specific part of making Legally Blondes that you most enjoyed?

Becky Rosso: I really enjoyed the ending scene with the party.  Everyone was wearing their party outfits, and it was a lot of fun!  Unfortunately, it rained; and we all had to stand under umbrellas between scenes (laughs).

Milly Rosso : I liked going to all the famous places in LA like Rodeo Drive and the shopping scenes.

Marco Chacon: In the movie there was a point where you had to pretend to be each other.  As identical twins, have you ever pulled that off in real life?

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: Well, people we really know can tell us apart easily.  However, when we were about seven, we swapped classes to see if we could get away with it.  We were so worried we would get found out, though, that we confessed after a couple of minutes (laughs).  Fortunately, the teacher found that funny so we didn't get in trouble!

Marco Chacon: Some people have said the accents sounded over-done or the language was overly "British".  Clearly you sound like you do in the movie.  Any comment on the British-isms?

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: Well, when we read the script, we felt there were a few old-fashioned words in there.  Things that girls our age wouldn't use -- more like what our mum would say.  They listened to us and made most of the changes, but a few of the words seemed a bit strange.

Marco Chacon: Interesting.  Do you have another project in the works?

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: We may have a project this summer with the Disney Channel, but we don't really know what it is about.

Marco Chacon: Good luck!  Was there any interesting or funny story from shooting Legally Blondes that you want to tell our readers about?

Becky Rosso : Well, this was kind of embarrassing: when we were filming on Rodeo Drive, we were walking our dogs, Chihuahua.  My dog was in a harness, and she slipped out and ran to her trainer.  But I had to carry on with the scene, so I was walking down Rodeo Drive pretending to have a dog on my leash.  People on the street looked at me a bit strangely!

Everyone on the crew was so friendly and supportive and fun to work with though.  It was a great experience!

Marco Chacon: You have done one other project as twins (The Suite Life of Zack and Cody).  Do you plan to keep working together or are you looking to work apart?

Milly Rosso : We really like working together.  Later on we will work apart; but for now, we like working as a team.

Marco Chacon: Thank you for the time.  Good luck with your upcoming projects.

Milly Rosso, Becky Rosso: Thank you, and please tell Nathan (Rose) thank you from us for the great review (on FlickDirect)!

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