Shapeless Kelly Murtagh Interview

Kelly Murtagh is an actress, singer, writer, who also happens to be a Mom which is, by far, her favorite job and the inspiration behind her latest project, a children’s book called Zoo Krewe.  Watch as she and FlickDirect Correspondent, Allison Rose, talk about her most recent film, Bingo Hell, her very personal portrayal of Ivy in Shapeless, and how her love of her child and her hometown of New Orleans was the Genesis for Zoo Krewe.

Watch Bingo Hell on Amazon Prime --
Purchase Zoo Krewe from Amazon --

Connect with Kelly Murtagh on Instagram:


Ivy, a struggling singer in New Orleans trapped in the hidden underworld of her eating disorder, must face her addiction - or risk becoming a monster.

Cast: , , , , ,
Directed By: 
MPAA Rating: NR
Genre: Drama, Horror
Running Time: 88 minutes
Distributed By: Water Meter Productions, LLC

Shapeless is © Water Meter Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.