
Back In Time (2015)
The documentary film Back in Time is, at its heart, a look at the very real impact the Back to the Future movies have had on our culture. What was once a little idea that spawned a tightly-focused...

Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry (2021)
"Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry” tells the true coming-of-age story of the singer-songwriter and her rise to global superstardom. From award-winning filmmaker R.J. Cutler, the film offers...

Blackfish (2013)
Shocking, never before seen footage and riveting interviews with trainers and experts manifest the orca’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity over the last four...

The Blue Angels (2024)
The Blue Angels have been enthralling people, across the country and around the globe, for more than 75 years. Now, Amazon MGM Studios and IMAX bring a brand new documentary – The Blue Angels – that...

Boston (2017)
Boston chronicles the story of the iconic race from its humble 15-runner origins to the present day. In addition to highlighting the event as the oldest annually contested marathon in the world, the...

Boys State (2020)
The sensational winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary at this year's Sundance Film Festival is a wildly entertaining and continually revealing immersion into a week-long annual program in...

Closed Circuit (2022)
Produced by Nancy Spielberg, Closed Circuit is a powerful account that lays bare the devastating heartbreak of the 2016 terrorist attack that took place in the heart of Tel Aviv. Riveting, searing...

David Foster: Off the Record (2020)
Blending rare archival footage, interviews, and unprecedented access to Foster himself, DAVID FOSTER: OFF THE RECORD is an up close and personal look at the extraordinary career of a producer...

Dear Mr. Watterson (2013)
Calvin & Hobbes took center stage immediately when it appeared in newspaper comics across the country in 1985. The funny pages were a big part of popular culture, and it was hard to find a comics...

Disneynature Penguins (2019)
Disneynature celebrates 10 years since its first feature film hit theaters. The first new Disney-branded film label from The Walt Disney Studios in more than 60 years, Disneynature was launched to...

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