Watchmen: Chapter I Borderlands Streaming, The Crow Box Office, Anaconda Reboot & MCU News

Borderlands Streaming Release After Box Office Flop

In this week's Flick News, we dive into the latest entertainment updates, including the streaming release of "Borderlands" after its box office flop, and the underwhelming performance of "The Crow" reboot.

Jack Black and Paul Rudd's Rumored Roles in "Anaconda" Reboot

We also discuss Jack Black and Paul Rudd's rumored roles in a new "Anaconda" movie, and James Spader's return as Ultron in the upcoming Vision series.

James Spader's Return as Ultron

Stay tuned for all the details and more in the world of film and TV.


In an alternate world history shaped by superheroes, once-celebrated “costumed adventurers” have been banned by a society disenchanted with vigilantism. Now, in 1985, the murder of The Comedian, a hero-turned-government operative, draws the attention of Rorschach, the last of the outlawed vigilantes. Rorschach's investigation embroils his retired colleagues, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias, in conflict with their pasts, with each other, and in a mystery that threatens their lives and a world on the brink of war.

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Watchmen: Chapter I is © Warner Bros.. All Rights Reserved.