HBO has officially picked up a new show from creator Aaron Sorkin. The cable news network based show will star Jeff Daniels as a news anchor, Emily Mortimer as his executive producer, and Alison Pill, John Gallagher Jr, Olivia Munn, Dev Patel, Thomas Sadoski as his newsroom staff.
The show will revolve around the team getting the news on air while getting around various obstacles that cross their paths.
It is said that 10 episodes can be expected to be ordered.
The pilot was written by Sorkin after he did extensive research on the Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews shows on MSNBC, as well as Fox and CNN.
Sorkin is no stranger to television. This is his fourth series after "The West Wing", "Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip" and "Sports Night". He is an academy award winning writer for the "The Social Network".