Developed by Mediaspree LLC in conjunction with FlickDirect Inc. Movie Clock 1.0 counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds to the release of your favorite upcoming movies. Set individual alerts for each movie and Movie Clock will remind you on the day of release in theaters! Upcoming movies are constantly updated as new films are announced so you'll never have to worry about missing out on the latest releases! Get it today from the app store!
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Read the reviews!
Very practical movie countdown app!
Great app to check the latest upcoming movies, nowadays they announce releases so far ahead of time that you miss it when it actually arrives. Now my iPhone will remind me! Very practical, it works great and the user interface is smooth.
Great Version 1.0!
Ever since the millennium I have wanted to "countdown" to my favorite events. It got to the point that I could not find any decent "Countdown Clocks" online that I wrote one myself, however not knowing iOS I never had one to have "on-the-go" now with this I can countdown to my favorite films 24/7!