Ken Levine, creator of "BioShock 1 and BioShock Infinite", enjoyed being the creative lead when it came to developing the games. "This is my game. And I love the fact that we sit down and chat with each other [Levine and other game devs outside of Irrational], but at the end of the day ... this thing's gotta be my decision."
But now, with the development of the "Bioshock" film, Levine has taken a bit of a step back, and let someone else take the lead. "If I were to make a game that was based on somebody else's franchise, you need somebody there who's going to say, 'This is true to the franchise, this isn't true to the franchise.' So that was more my role in the film," explained Levine. He feels that the film is under control, and that even without him leading the way, things are in the right hands.
Bioshock is set for a 2013 release.