Fox has announced that they will run the trailer to their new series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, during game three of the World Series. The 45 second trailer will be the first major advertising done for the new show, which will begin airing on January 14. "This is the biggest campaign for a mid-season show in years", says Joe Earley, vice president of marketing and communications. He went on to state that he "can't remember when we've started a campaign so early."
Advertising for the show has been around since September 17 with a series of pop-ups during television shows. The graphics were of two red dots and would disappear after four seconds. The second phase of promotion then kicked in with a more recognizable Terminator face. The trailer will be released on October 27, and will start the new phase of full blown advertising for the show.
Fox will also be paying attention to the online market. They had leaked the premiere date of the show online one day before they released the date to the general public. "We are making sure from the outset that we have that relationship going," Earley said.
They will be putting The Sarah Connor Chronicles in the timeslot before 24, being sure that it doesn't put the show up against Heroes or switch up any other timeslots that are successful.