Heroes Reborn, the Heroes spin-off series, will be making an appearance at Comic-Con this year. The 13 episode event series will be represented by the original series' creator Tim Kring, along with returning stars Jack Coleman and Greg Grunberg as well as co-stars Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Kiki Sukezane, Ryan Guzman, Gatlin Green, Henry Zebrowski, Judith Shekoni, Danika Yarosh and Rya Kihlstedt.
The panel will be featured in the marque Hall H July 12 at 1:45 PM and will feature an extended trailer for the series and a Q&A session.
Also making an appearance will be members from the Grimm series, with a panel consisting of David Giuntoli, Russell Hornsby, Silas Weir Mitchell, Reggie Lee, Sasha Roiz, Bree Turner, Claire Coffee, and executive producers/writers Jim Kouf, David Greenwalt and Norberto Barba. This panel will be held in Ballroom 20 on July 20 at 3pm.