Westworld, an upcoming science fiction thriller television series that will air on HBO, made some controversial news today as they have had their extras sign consent forms to participate in "graphic sexual situations". Such situations include "genital-to-genital touching" and being "on all fours while others who are fully nude ride on your back".
In the form, it states, "This document serves to inform you that this project will require you to be fully nude and/or witness others fully nude and participate in graphic sexual situations. By accepting this Project assignment, you may be required to do any of the following: appear fully nude; wear a pubic hair patch; perform genital-to-genital touching; have your genitals painted; simulate oral sex with hand-to-genital touching; contort to form a table-like shape while being fully nude; pose on all fours while others who are fully nude ride on your back; ride on someone's back while you are both fully nude; and other assorted acts the Project may require. The Project will also include language and sexual situations that some may consider personally objectionable or uncomfortable."
The word from SAG-AFTRA is that even if the forms are signed, they may be deemed unenforceable if they conflict with the union's Television Agreement, which states that consent to appear nude in a scene can be withdrawn at any time, as well as needing a closed set to anyone not involved with the production. They stated that they will be sending a representative to the set today "to answer any questions."