Marvel and Netflix have teamed up once again and will be releasing a miniseries titled "The Defenders". The show will be directed by "Daredevil" showrunners Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez, and will be executive produced by another "Daredevil" team member, Drew Goddard.
"Doug and Marco captivated our members around the world with their continuation of the story of Matt Murdock in ‘Marvel's Daredevil,' and we can't wait to see how they and Drew will introduce the full Defenders team to our global audience," said Cindy Holland, Netflix Vice President of Original Content.
The show will also feature characters from "Daredevil," "Jessica Jones," "Luke Cage" and "Iron Fist".
Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb, said, "We're incredibly excited to be able to bring our four street level heroes together in an epic tale woven by Doug and Marco whose work on ‘Marvel's Daredevil' speaks for itself. They write and produce not only great action and adventure, but also the heart and touch of humor that's makes us Marvel. With the inclusion of Drew Goddard, we've got a team that's as formidable as the Defenders themselves."
"This is the big one. Four amazing casts, four amazing series, now all in one amazing story," said Petrie and Ramirez. "We are thrilled at the opportunity to deliver the show that both we and the fans have been waiting for."
The series is slated for a 2017 release.