"Stranger Things" the Netflix original series, created by Matt and Ross Duffer, has proved to be nearing the top of the new series ratings pile for the streaming service.
Within its first 35 days, the show has earned over 14 million viewers in the 18-49 group. That makes the first season the third most watched season of a Netflix original series to debut in the last year. Only season one of "Fuller House" and season four of "Orange is the New Black" came in ahead of the new series.
As for other Netflix originals, the show ranks ahead of "Making a Murderer" (13.35 million), "Daredevil" season two (13.35 million), "Jessica Jones" (6.26 million), "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" season two (6.08 million), "The Ranch" (6.01 million), "House of Cards" season four (5.67 million) and "F is for Family" (4.81 million).
"Stranger Things" has also earned a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, making them one of the best reviews series from 2016.