Syfy has decided to add a new series, Deadly Class, to its lineup. The series will be based on the Image Comics graphic novel by Rick Remender and Wes Craig. The show hails from The Avengers directors Joe and Anthony Russo, Sony Pictures TV and Universal Cable Productions.
Deadly Class is set in the late 1980s and follows the story of a homeless teen who gets recruited into a private school where the student body is comprised of crime families' children.
Bill McGoldrick, President, Scripted Content, NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, "We're committed to developing graphic novels for SYFY and have found a rich, compelling, truly unique world in Deadly Class. Our producing partners expertly combined high school angst, 80s nostalgia and comic flair into a beautifully realized, visually arresting pilot that truly brings Rick and Wes' acclaimed comic series to life."
The series will star Benedict Wong, Benjamin Wadsworth, Lana Condor, Maria Gabriela de Faria, Luke Tennie, Liam James and Michel Duval star.