A new anime series is coming to Adult Swim. The series will be called "Blade Runner - Black Lotus" and will be based off the film Blade Runner 2049. The series hails from Alcon Television Group and WarnerMedia's Adult Swim and Crunchyroll.
The series will be comprised of 13 episodes and will take place in the year 2032. There are no other plot details released yet but it is reported that the series will include some familiar characters.
Shinji Aramaki (Appleseed) and Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex) will be directing the series with Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo) as the creative producer.
Jason DeMarco, svp/creative director of Adult Swim on-air, said, "I first saw Blade Runner in 1982, at age 11. It has remained one of the defining films of my life. To be able to explore more of this universe, with the incredible talent we have on board, is a dream come true."
"Blade Runner 2049" was the sequel to 1982's "Blade Runner" and was Oscar-nominated, winning for visual effects and cinematography.