Today, Pixar Animation Studios announced four cast members of their upcoming film, "Onward". Chris Pratt ("Guardians of the Galaxy"), Tom Holland ("Spiderman: Homecoming"), Julia Louis-Dreyfus ("Veep") and Octavia Spencer ("The Shape of Water") will all lend their voices to the project. Dan Scanlon will be directing with Kori Rae ("Monsters University") producing.
Scanlon commented on the casting choices, saying, "Tom has an infectious charm and sincerity that makes you root for him in every character he plays". He went on to say, "There is no one funnier than Julia but she also brings a warmth and loving side to her character."
Rae also commented about the cast, saying, "Chris brings equal parts huge heart and fantastic humor to his character" and "Octavia can do it all. We're especially excited about the depth as well as humor that she brings to her character."
"Onward" is slated for a March 6, 2020 release.