It's been reported that Universal has signed a 5-picture deal with "Wanted" director Timur Bekmambetov's Screenlife technology. It seems that this way of telling a story fits right in with the current pandemic climate.
The director expressed interest in doing a "wanted" sequel, saying, "Maybe do the [‘Wanted'] sequel in Screenlife. I cannot imagine an assassin in today's world would run with a gun. Why? He will use drones, he will use computer technology, probably. You don't need to bend bullets anymore. You need to bend ideas."
He went on to talk about why this technology is so relevant today.
"During this crazy time, we have been living in Screenlife mode, and it is very organic to produce movies because they can be done while people are home in their safe place. We are all in different cities and we can record screens without meeting each other. It's the nature of this language, this Screenlife format, to work like this."
It will definitely be interesting to see what comes from this deal.