Donald Glover, who portrayed young Lando Calrissian in the 2017 feature film Solo, along with his brother, Stephen, will write a Lando-driven series for Disney+. However, according to Lucasfilm, the project will actually be a movie instead. The brothers Glover replace Justin Simien, who didn't have the necessary time to devote to Lando since he was focused on post-production for Haunted Mansion.
Stephen Glover joined the Pablo Torres Finds Out podcast where he confirmed the feature film idea. "It's not even a show…the idea right now is to do a movie," Donald revealed in April that there had been conversations with Lucasfilm about a Lando project but didn't elaborate at that time. He said, "We're talking about it. That's as much as I can say without [Lucasfilm president] Kathleen Kennedy hunting me down."
He did however confirm that he would love to portray the Star Wars character again. "I would love to play Lando again. It's a fun time, being him. It just has to be the right way to do it. Time is precious". He continued by saying, "I'm not interested in doing anything that's going to be a waste of my time or just a paycheck. I'd much rather spend time with people that I enjoy. It just has to be the right thing, and I think it could be. Lando is definitely somebody I like to hang out with.".
Donald elaborated at that time about the role, "Lando is charm incarnate,". "He's kind of a maverick, which I don't think there's a lot of anymore. It's hard to be the smooth talker nowadays."
No word on when the project might be released as the WGA and SAG-AFTRA's strikes continue.
Filed Under: star wars, solo, lando, disney