Tony Scott, director/producer, is said to be meeting with Keifer Sutherland to discuss ideas for the project. Sutherland had told EW last year that they wanted to "create a definitive end for Jack Bauer". He went on to say that "Since we do have the intention to make the feature film, it would lead into that and certainly set that up. Something we've dealt with in the series is how the crisis always has to come to us because we don't have time to move anywhere in a real time world. In a two-hour (movie) representation of the 24 world, planes, trains, and automobiles all of a sudden become a factor because you are not required to go scene by scene in real time. That's something I can say I am very excited about."
Howard Gordon described the status of the project as being in "suspended animation". Only time will tell whether or not the film will take off.