FlickDirect had a chance to catch up with Jason Momoa, upcoming star of Conan The Barbarian and the Horse-Lord Khal Drogo, in HBO's Game of Thrones, at this year's San Deigo Comic Con at the Movies on Demand Lounge. Standing an imposing 6'3" and sporting a wall of solid muscle, he talked about his recent roles. When asked how his role in the upcoming Conan the Barbarian remake will compare to the old one (and how CGI might change the story), he told us he hasn't seen the original. While perhaps surprising, he explained that he was interested in making his Conan his own. To prepare for the role, he trained with the same people who did training work for the Matrix movies: two hours of sword-play, followed by two hours of lifting over and over -- with an all protein diet to bulk up. He said he wanted to fight "like a Samurai".
On his role as Kahl Drogo, he explained that while he had auditioned (as directed) in broken English, at the table reads the writers decided it was better for him to actually speak the artificially-created language Dothraki. Given a CD and having returned to his hotel room, he spent hours working on memorizing the lines phonetically (Dothraki was created as a "real" language with its own syntax and non-English pronunciations).
When asked who would win: Drogo or Conan (as he had played both), he affected a glower and decided, "They would kill each other!"
Tags: game of thrones, comic con, jason momoa