More in Store for Django Unchained

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More in Store for Django Unchained
Quentin Tarantino was out and about this past weekend doing press for his new film, "Django Unchained", and commented about a longer version of the film that he has socked away for a later date.

Tarantino said, "I'm going to wait until the film goes around the world, does what it does. Then I'm going to make a decision. I make these scripts that are almost novels. If I had to do this whole thing over again I would have published this as a novel and done this after the fact. Maybe next time. I could do what Kevin Costner did with the expanded edition of 'Dances with Wolves,' and I could very well do that. Because if I put some of that in I have to change the story. But I want this version to be the story for a while."

He also had said that Harvey Weinstein was thinking about splitting up the film into two parts, but Tarantino said "No, it won't work here… It was a conscious decision from day 1 to not do my usual narrative tricks… You have to follow Django's journey to the end."

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