It has been announced that a sequel to Disney's 2012 hit film, Wreck-It Ralph is currently in the works. Director Rich Moore, scribe Phil Johnston, and John C. Reilly announced the news today on Facebook.
"From the moment we started working on the first Wreck-It Ralph, we knew there were so many possibilities with these characters," said Moore. "This time, Ralph's wrecking wreaks havoc on the web, as only he can do. Characters we loved in the first film are back, and we are ecstatic to be working with them - and the actors who voice them - once again."
The film, which is slated for March 9, 2018 release, will once again be written by Moore and Johnston and produced by Clark Spencer. John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman will also be reprising their roles.
The original release grossed over $471 million globally at the box office and was nominated for best animated feature at the Oscars and the Golden Globes.
Countdown to the release of Wrek-It Ralph 2, with the The Movie Hype App.