Grimm, the NBC series that aired its finale March of last year, will be seeing a spinoff. This time, the story will be centered on a female lead. It is said that there may be some characters from the original series returning for either regular or recurring roles.
The new show will be written by Melissa Glenn (Marvel's Iron Fist) and will be brought to us by Universal TV and Hazy Mills Prods, just like the original. Glenn will also executive produce. Also returning for the project are Grimm co-creators/showrunners David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf.
The original followed the story of Nick Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli), a Portland Homicide detective who discovers that he is a Grimm. Grimm's are in charge of keeping "wesen", who are supernatural creatures, at bay. It began in 2011 and remained a high ratings earner throughout its 6 seasons.