Three years ago, The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) expanded into television with its first limited series WandaVision. The show took viewers on a journey through different eras of television as Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen; Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) and Vision (Paul Bettany; Avengers: Infinity War) seemed to live an ideal suburban life. However, things weren't what they appeared, and their neighbor Agnes (Kathryn Hahn; Bad Moms) was hiding much more than we realized. Fast forward three years, and now we get to explore what became of Agnes in the new Disney+ limited series, Agatha All Along.
This time, Agnes, now fully revealed as Agatha Harkness is living a very different life. She's a detective on the local police force, working on a homicide case when strange things start to happen. As she digs deeper into the mystery, memories of her past life begin to surface. The arrival of FBI Agent Rio Vidal (Aubrey Plaza; Emily the Criminal) complicates things further. Suddenly Agatha teams up with Jennifer (Sasheer Zamata; I Feel Pretty), Alice (Ali Ann; Billions), Teen (Joe Locke; Heartstopper), and Lilia (Patti LuPone; Beau is Afraid), as they embark on a dark journey to uncover the truth, that is filled with dangerous secrets.
The cast is simply fantastic. Kathryn Hahn once again dominates the screen, balancing Agatha's charm and cunning. Patti LuPone is a fantastic addition, bringing her seasoned experience to the role. Aubrey Plaza looks like she is having a blast playing her character and Joe Locke, though a newcomer, holds his own alongside such a talented ensemble.
From its first scene, Agatha All Along establishes itself as something different from WandaVision. The tone has noticeably changed and is more mysterious. Early on, viewers may feel disconnected from the playful nature of WandaVision, but as the episodes progress, connections to the original series begin to emerge. Some stylistic choices, such as the retro-themed set pieces, may catch audiences off guard as the audience is jolted into these themes.
Kathryn Hahn is, of course, the heart of this series, and her portrayal of Agatha Harkness is simply captivating. The show's pacing has its moments of ebb and flow, but if you stay with it, you won't be disappointed. The first two episodes set up a strong foundation, hinting at larger conflicts and twists to come in the future. It's a solid start for the series that could be a hit depending on how the rest of the season plays out. Regardless, it has something for everyone - from the casual MCU viewer to the hardcore Marvel fans.
While Agatha All Along doesn't lean heavily into the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, it allows room for the story to expand in its own direction. Marvel Television is trying to carve out a unique space with this show, and if it doesn't jump the shark, it could be one of its most intriguing MCU endeavors yet.
The series consists of nine episodes, with the first two episodes premiering tonight, September 18, 2024, followed by one new episode each week.
Grade: B+