Battlestar Galactica Reunion From Comic Con 2017
"Battlestar Galactica" (2004) is a groundbreaking science fiction television series that reimagines the classic 1978 show with a modern, gritty twist. Set in a distant star system, the human civilization inhabiting the Twelve Colonies faces near-extinction after a catastrophic nuclear attack by the Cylons—a race of sentient robots created by humans. These Cylons have evolved and now possess the ability to mimic human appearance, allowing them to infiltrate human society undetected.
The remnants of humanity band together aboard a fleet of ships, led by the aging warship Battlestar Galactica. Under the command of Commander William Adama (played by Edward James Olmos) and the newly appointed President Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell), the survivors embark on a perilous journey across the galaxy. Their mission: to find the fabled lost colony known as Earth, which may be their last hope for survival.
Throughout their voyage, the fleet grapples with internal political strife, resource scarcity, and the ever-present threat of Cylon pursuit. The series delves deep into themes of survival, identity, faith, and morality, challenging characters and viewers alike to consider what it means to be human. Complex relationships and moral ambiguities drive the narrative, making "Battlestar Galactica" not just a sci-fi adventure but a profound human drama.
The show is acclaimed for its intense storytelling, deep character development, and thought-provoking exploration of contemporary issues such as warfare, terrorism, and civil liberties. With its blend of action-packed space battles and intricate plotlines, "Battlestar Galactica" has cemented its place as a landmark in the science fiction genre.
Directed By:
MPAA Rating: TV-14
Genre: TV/Streaming Series
Distributed By: Universal Pictures
Battlestar Galactica is © Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved.