Theatrical, Streaming, Physical Media Reviews

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FlickDirect, Michelle  Koesten

Michelle Koesten has been a lover of film of all genres from the time she was old enough to fit in the seat at the movie theater! It has been her favorite pastime as long as she can remember and she now runs two Movie Meetup Groups including South Florida Movies and the Palm Beach Movie Club. As avid film watchers, her groups have thrown an annual Oscar Party the last few years to celebrate along with the stars. As a relative of the creator of Superman, she likes to believe creativity is in the blood and will one day write her own character into a script!

The Best of Me
Feb 09, 2015
While The Best of Me isn’t the best I give it a solid C+.
Full Review | Grade: C
Joy Ride 3: Road Kill
Jul 07, 2014
Joy Ride 3 is no joy!
Full Review | Grade: B
Alexander, The Ultimate Cut (10th Anniversary Edition)
Jun 13, 2014
Historically, most of us are familiar with the name Alexander the Great.  Having succeeded his father to the throne at age twenty, he fought battles for power and control from his Greek kingdom o...
Full Review | Grade: D
Devil's Due
May 15, 2014
Overall, Devil's Due was just not unique enough or interesting enough to be on the same level as a The Blair Witch Project, whose success they clearly hoped to mimic.
Full Review | Grade: D
May 13, 2014
Her is a very unquie tale about love and relationships, and is definitely worth the time to watch the tale.
Full Review | Grade: B
Son of Batman
May 07, 2014
I wasn't looking forward to Son of Batman. Of course I know about Batman and have watched all the feature movies, but this was a cartoon for kids. Apparently, I was wrong on that score. T...
Full Review | Grade: C
Veronica Mars: The Movie
May 01, 2014
For fans of Veronica Mars, the TV series about a teenage outcast and private detective, the long awaited film version of the television show was a long time coming. It had been seven years since the t...
Full Review | Grade: C
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Apr 25, 2014
Overall, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a decent creative film that you don’t have to be a Ben Stiller fan to enjoy.
Full Review | Grade: B
Paramount+ Mission

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Purple Rain
Purple Rain
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $12.99
The Magnificent Seven
The Magnificent Seven
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $9.99