Search Results For James Fox

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Fantasy Adventure. Acclaimed director Tim Burton brings his vividly imaginative style to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, about eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka...

Patriot Games (1992)
Jack Ryan, the hero of Tom Clancy's techno-thriller series, returns in the sequel to _The Hunt for Red October_. Ryan is on vacation in England when he spoils an assassination attempt on an...

Remains of the Day (1993)
OscarĀ®-winners Anthony Hopkins (1991, Best Actor, The Silence of the Lambs) and Emma Thompson (1992, Best Actress, Howards End) reunite with the acclaimed Merchant Ivory filmmaking team for this...

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Universal Soldier
Universal Soldier
WAS: $7.99
NOW: $4.99
WAS: $18.99
NOW: $9.99
Mr. Church
Mr. Church
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99