Search Results For Lucy Fry

11.22.63 (2016)
Hulu Original series 11.22.63 is a thriller in which high school English teacher Jake Epping (James Franco) travels back in time to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy — but his...

Bright (2017)
Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this action-thriller directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, End of Watch, writer...

Mr. Church (2016)
Mr. Church tells the story of a unique friendship that develops when a little girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook – Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six-month...

Night Teeth (2021)
To earn some extra cash, quirky college student Benny (Jorge Lendeborg, Jr.) moonlights as a chauffeur for one night. His task: drive two mysterious young women (Debby Ryan and Lucy Fry) around Los...

Vampire Academy (2014)
Rose Hathaway (Deutch) is a Dhampir: half human/vampire, guardians of the Moroi, peaceful, mortal vampires living discretely within our world. Her legacy is to protect the Moroi from bloodthirsty...

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WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
X-Files: I Want to Believe
X-Files: I Want to Believe
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Father Figures
Father Figures
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99