Search Results For Shiloh Fernandez

Evil Dead (2013)
A secluded cabin. An ancient curse. An unrelenting evil. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell reunite to present a genuinely terrifying re-imagining of their original horror masterpiece. Five young friends...

Red Riding Hood (2011)
Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy...

We Are Your Friends (2015)
“We Are Your Friends” is about what it takes to find your voice. Set in the world of electronic music and Hollywood nightlife, an aspiring 23-year-old DJ named Cole (Efron) spends his days...

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Event Horizon
Event Horizon
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
WAS: $17.99
NOW: $12.99
I Spy
I Spy
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99