Theatrical, Streaming, Physical Media Reviews

Here at FlickDirect, our goal is to provide up-to-date reviews on theatrical, home entertainment, and television series. Check out the reviews of upcoming films or programming, and even our take on the classsics.

David Foster: Off the Record
Allison Rose | Jul 02, 2020
It’s obvious from how Foster and others speak about him that he is his harshest critic and doesn’t necessarily think of himself as all that successful.
Full Review | Grade: B
Allison Rose | Jul 01, 2020
Braveheart is beautifully shot, well-acted, and offers an interesting, but an untruthful, story about what many believe to be a great Scotsman.
Full Review | Grade: B
Doom Patrol: Season Two
Allison Rose | Jun 25, 2020
If there was an "Island of Misfit Toys" in the world of comic books, Doom Patrol would certainly fit the bill perfectly.
Full Review | Grade: B
Allison Rose | Jun 22, 2020
Irresistible is a cute, little film not without flaws but the overall feeling you get while watching it helps you to forgive and forget those flaws.
Full Review | Grade: B
You Should Have Left
Alyn Darnay | Jun 18, 2020
You Should Have Left is a good Horror film, with a great cast and some really good scares. The film is splendidly crafted, delightfully entangled, and an excellent film for a rainy night.
Full Review | Grade: B
Allison Rose | Jun 17, 2020
Gordon-Levitt was an excellent casting choice as he is certainly one of the best parts of 7500.
Full Review | Grade: C
Pretty in Pink
Allison Rose | Jun 16, 2020
Ringwald has an inner strength about her that makes Andie so resilient even when she is crying her eyes out.
Full Review | Grade: B
Da 5 Bloods
Allison Rose | Jun 11, 2020
Da 5 Bloods is one of Lee’s best films to date and one I’m sure that will be studied in intro to film/cinema classes at colleges all across the country.
Full Review | Grade: B
Urban Cowboy
Allison Rose | Jun 09, 2020
Winger... shines, stealing every scene she is in. She overshadows Travolta, which is usually extremely difficult to do.
Full Review | Grade: B
The King of Staten Island
Allison Rose | Jun 08, 2020
Davidson had to play Scott as so much of the story parallels his own life. He obviously drew on his experiences to bring out the emotions he faces in the film.
Full Review | Grade: B

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