Search Results For Halle Berry

Movie 43 (2013)
Take a hilarious director, add a brilliant cast, mix in some twisted jokes, remove all boundaries, and then stand back...way back. In Movie 43, comedy is served steaming hot (literally) by director...

Never Let Go (2024)
From visionary director Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes, Crawl) and executive producers of Stranger Things and Arrival comes NEVER LET GO. In this new psychological thriller/horror, as an Evil...

New Year's Eve (2011)
New Year's Eve celebrates love, hope, forgiveness, second chances and fresh starts, in intertwining stories told amidst the pulse and promise of New York City on the most dazzling night of the...

The Program (1993)
Eastern State University's football program attracts the finest players in the country from a variety of backgrounds and works to mold them into a fiercely motivated top ten team. Pushed to...

Swordfish (2001)
Gabriel Shear (John Travolta) and his beautiful partner Ginger (Halle Berry) lure Stanley Jobson (Hugh Jackman), one of the two best hackers on the planet and an ex-con busted for hacking, into an...

X-Men (2000)
Born into a world filled with prejudice are children who possess extraordinary and dangerous powers - the result of unique genetic mutations. Cyclops unleashes bolts of energy from his eyes. Storm can...

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
The X-Men, mutant heroes sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them, are back! This time, with the help of new recruits The Beast and Angel, they must face evolution itself in the form of their...

X2: X-Men United (2003)
Mutants continue their struggle against a society that fears and mistrusts them. Their cause becomes even more desperate following an incredible attack by as an yet undetermined assailant possessing...

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $7.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99
Ocean's Thirteen
Ocean's Thirteen
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99