Search Results For e l james

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015)
The sequel follows James' Paul Blart who attends a Security Guard Expo in Las Vegas with his daughter. Despite being teased by casino security and other attendees, Blart takes on a group of...

Peacemaker (2022)
PEACEMAKER explores the continuing story of the character that John Cena reprises in the aftermath of executive producer James Gunn’s 2021 film The Suicide Squad – a compellingly vainglorious man who...

Pearl Harbor (2001)
History comes alive in the unforgettable motion picture PEARL HARBOR, the spectacular blockbuster brought to the screen by Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay. Experience the groundbreaking special...

Peeples (2013)
Sparks fly when Wade Walker (Craig Robinson) crashes the preppy Peeples annual reunion in the Hamptons to ask for their precious daughter Grace's (Kerry Washington) hand in marriage. Wade might be...

The Penguin (2024)
Set in the gritty, crime-ridden streets of Gotham, The Penguin follows the rise of Oswald Cobblepot as he navigates the chaotic underworld to seize control and establish his criminal empire. In the...

Peter Rabbit (2018)
Peter Rabbit, the mischievous and adventurous hero who has captivated generations of readers, now takes on the starring role of his own irreverent, contemporary comedy with attitude. In the film...

Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
In PETER RABBIT™ 2: THE RUNAWAY, the lovable rogue is back. Bea, Thomas, and the rabbits have created a makeshift family, but despite his best efforts, Peter can't seem to shake his mischievous...

Pineapple Express (2008)
Process Server Dale Denton has a grudging business relationship with the laconic Saul Silver, deigning to visit only to purchase Saul's primo product - a rare new strain of pot called Pineapple...

Pixels (2015)
When aliens misinterpret video-feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war against them, they attack the Earth, using the games as models for their various assaults. President Will Cooper...

Point Break (1991)
In the coastal town of Los Angeles, a gang of bank robbers call themselves the ex-presidents. commit their crimes while wearing masks of ex-presidents Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Johnson. The F.B.I....

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The Nine Lives of Chloe King
The Nine Lives of Chloe King
WAS: $13.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $29.99
NOW: $24.99
The 100
The 100
WAS: $29.99
NOW: $24.99