Search Results For chris

The Lego Movie (2014)
Emmet (Chris Pratt), an ordinary LEGO figurine who always follows the rules, is mistakenly identified as the Special -- an extraordinary being and the key to saving the world. He finds himself drafted...

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part” reunites the heroes of Bricksburg in an all-new action-packed adventure to save their beloved city. It’s been five years since everything was awesome and...

Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover return as buddy cops Riggs and Murtaugh, with Joe Pesci riding comedy shotgun as chatterbox Leo. Murtaugh is still the family man. Riggs is still the gonzo loose cannon and...

Leverage (2008)
Leverage follows a team of thieves, hackers and grifters who seek revenge against those who use power and wealth to victimize others.  Hutton stars as Nate Ford, a former insurance investigator...

Lightyear (2022)
The sci-fi action-adventure presents the definitive origin story of Buzz Lightyear—the hero who inspired the toy—introducing the legendary Space Ranger who would win generations of fans. Chris...

Lilo & Stitch (2002)
The story of a little creature created by genetic experimentation and bound to prison with his evil creator. Stitch escapes and heads for Earth where he tries to impersonate a dog and gets adopted by...

The Little Mermaid (1989)
Ariel, the fun-loving and mischievous mermaid, is enchanted with all things human. Disregarding her father's order to stay away from the world above the sea, she swims to the surface and, in a raging...

The Little Mermaid (2023)
“The Little Mermaid” is the beloved story of Ariel, a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. The youngest of King Triton's daughters and the most defiant, Ariel longs...

Little Women (2019)
The classic novel and the writings of Louisa May Alcott, and unfolds as the author's alter ego, Jo March, reflects back and forth on her fictional life. In Gerwig's take, the beloved story of the...

Live By Night (2017)
“Live by Night” is set in the roaring `20s when Prohibition hasn’t stopped the flow of booze in an underground network of gangster-run speakeasies. The opportunity to gain power and...

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Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $7.99
The Expendables 2
The Expendables 2
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $12.99
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $9.99