Search Results For Bridget Fonda

Drop Dead Fred (1991)
Drop Dead Fred is a hilarious comedy about a young woman who suddenly finds herself reunited with an old “friend”. When Elizabeth (Cates) returns to her mother's home after her marriage breaks up, she...

The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone (1990)
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of The Godfather: Part III, director/screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola brings a definitive new edit and restoration of the final film in his epic Godfather...

Kiss of The Dragon (2001)
Martial arts and cinema action superstar Jet Li plays Liu Jiuan, China's top government agent, who arrives in Paris from Shanghai to carry out a sensitive, top-secret mission. Liu becomes trapped...

Point of No Return (1993)
Fonda is Maggie, a drugged-out loser condemned to death for her part in a murder spree, but if she agrees to work as a government assassin, she'll be given a reprieve. Fonda displays a certain...

Singles (2002)
Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon, Kyra Sedgwick and Campbell Scott in an "exuberant romantic comedy" (Rolling Stone) about Seattle twenty- somethings searching for-and running from-love. Bonus:...

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