Search Results For Jessica Lange

American Horror Story (2011)
Set in 1964, American Horror Story: Asylum takes us into a Church-run haven for the criminally insane, ruled with an iron fist by Sister Jude (Jessica Lange), a nun with a troubled past. Inside this...

Big Fish (2004)
Throughout his life Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor) has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, portrayed by five-time Best Actor Oscar nominee Albert...

Cape Fear (1991)
Fourteen years after being imprisoned, vicious psychopath Max Cady (Robert De Niro) emerges with a single-minded mission: to seek revenge on his attorney Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte). Cady becomes a...

The Gambler (2014)
Jim Bennett (Academy Award (R)-nominee Mark Wahlberg) is a risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster (Michael Kenneth...

The Vow (2012)
Real-life story of a newlywed New Mexico couple, Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, who were struck by tragedy shortly after their marriage. A car crash puts the wife in a coma, where she is cared for by her...

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Death On The Nile
Death On The Nile
WAS: $19.99
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The World's End
The World's End
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
300: Rise Of An Empire
300: Rise Of An Empire
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99