Search Results For Luis Guzman

Fighting (2009)
Starring Channing Tatum and Oscar®-nominated actor Terrence Howard, "Fighting" tells the story of Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum), a small-town boy who has come to New York City with...

In The Blood (2014)
Gina Carano stars as Ava, a trained fighter with a dark past. When her new husband (Cam Gigandet) vanishes during their Caribbean honeymoon, Ava uncovers a violent underworld of conspiracy in the...

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
The follow-up to the 2008 hit! The new journey begins when young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist?a place of...

Keanu (2016)
Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, a.k.a. the hugely popular comedy duo Key & Peele, star as Clarence and Rell, two cousins who live in the city but are far from streetwise. When Rell’s...

The Last Stand (2013)
After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los Angeles and settled into a life...

Puerto Ricans In Paris (2016)
This Hispanic comedy movie, executive produced by Pitbull and directed by Ian Edelman blends the corporate world of high-end fashion design and the action of police detectives. Starring Luis Guzman...

The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)
In "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3," Denzel Washington stars as New York City subway dispatcher Walter Garber, whose ordinary day is thrown into chaos by an audacious crime: the hijacking of a...

Traffic (2001)
It's the high-stakes, high-risk world of the drug trade as seen through a well-blended mix of interrelated stories: a Mexican policeman (Benicio Del Toro) finds himself and his partner caught in...

Turbo (2013)
Turbo (Ryan Reynolds) is a speed-obsessed snail with an unusual dream: to become the world's greatest racer. This odd snail gets a chance to leave his slow-paced life behind when a freak accident...

Waiting... (2005)
Always remember the cardinal rule of eating out: Never mess with people who handle your food! Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder), Anna Farris (the Scary Movie series) and Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True...

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