Search Results For Maya Rudolph

The Angry Birds Movie (2016)
In the 3D animated comedy, The Angry Birds Movie, we'll finally find out why the birds are so angry.The movie takes us to an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds - or almost entirely....

Big Hero 6 (2014)
From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes “Big Hero 6,” an action comedy adventure about brilliant robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to...

Bridesmaids (2011)
This spring, producer Judd Apatow and director Paul Feig invite you to experience "Bridesmaids." Annie, a maid of honor whose life unravels as she leads her best friend, Lillian, and a group of...

Disenchanted (2022)
It has been more than ten years since Giselle (Adams) and Robert (Dempsey) wed, but Giselle has grown disillusioned with life in the city, so they move their growing family to the sleepy suburban...

Friends With Kids (2012)
In the wake of their friends' marriages and eventual offspring, longtime pals Julie (Jennifer Westfeldt) and Jason (Adam Scott) decide to have a child together without becoming a couple. By becoming...

Grown Ups (2010)
Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Kevin James team up for a story of five high school pals reuniting after 30 years. Gathering at a July 4th celebration, the...

The Happytime Murders (2018)
No Sesame. All Street. THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS is a filthy comedy set in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles where puppets and humans coexist. Two clashing detectives with a shared secret, one human...

Life of The Party (2018)
When her husband suddenly dumps her, longtime dedicated housewife Deanna (McCarthy) turns regret into re-set by going back to college…landing in the same class and school as her daughter...

Luca (2021)
Disney and Pixar’s original feature film “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these...

MacGruber (2010)
Only one American hero has earned the rank of Green Beret, Navy SEAL and Army Ranger. Just one operative has been awarded 16 purple hearts, 3 Congressional Medals of Honor and 7 presidential medals of...

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I Am Wrath
I Am Wrath
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Purple Rain
Purple Rain
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