Theatrical, Streaming, Physical Media Reviews

Here at FlickDirect, our goal is to provide up-to-date reviews on theatrical, home entertainment, and television series. Check out the reviews of upcoming films or programming, and even our take on the classsics.

Girl With All The Gifts
Allison Rose | Apr 25, 2017
While this is a typical zombie movie, I like that the plot incorporated a few new concepts into the story.
Full Review | Grade: B
The Founder
Allison Rose | Apr 25, 2017
The Founder may evoke sympathy for the McDonald brothers and their descendants and may turn fans of McDonald’s off the franchise, as it left me angry and sad and tired of greedy people and the corporations they run.
Full Review | Grade: B
Underworld: Blood Wars
Nathan M Rose | Apr 24, 2017
A lot of younger faces are introduced to this new film (Underworld: Blood Wars), in the hopeful attempt to bring in a more youthful audience to the series as most of their fans have grown up.
Full Review | Grade: C
Jennifer Broderick | Apr 21, 2017
Although the plot itself (a mentally ill man kidnapping girls) has been done before and isn’t that much of an engaging storyline, the film succeeds because of McAvoy’s extraordinary acting skills.
Full Review | Grade: B
Sand Castle
Allison Rose | Apr 20, 2017
While the material isn’t necessarily anything new or earth-shattering – we all know from the news the struggles out troops have faced overseas – I thought the movie presented a slightly more interesting view of what when on there.
Full Review | Grade: C
The Lost City of Z
Judith Raymer | Apr 20, 2017
James Gray has paced this film such as to allow the audience the time to truly understand the varying layers and perspectives. 
Full Review | Grade: B
Donnie Darko (4-Disc Limited Edition)
Leonard Buccellato | Apr 18, 2017
If you are a fan of Donnie Darko you should buy this boxed set and if you’ve never seen this movie before, you need to buy it; you owe it to yourself to watch it multiple times and become obsessed, like the rest of us!
Full Review | Grade: B
Fate of The Furious
Allison Rose | Apr 13, 2017
The series has a loyal fan base and if the crowds for the previous screenings are any indications this movie will do very well at the box office.  With movies nine and ten already announced, it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of Dom and company in the future.
Full Review | Grade: B
The Complete Seventh Season
Sean Ferguson | Apr 12, 2017
For me, season 7 was my favorite season (of Archer) so far. I love the direction they took the series in and while it sets up what could be an incredibly creative season 8….Season 7 was just a ton fun!
Full Review | Grade: B
Hidden Figures
Jennifer Broderick | Apr 12, 2017
Hidden Figures is the movie everyone should watch. It educates us and entertains us at the same time.  It puts the civil rights movement and segregation in a perspective that most of us have only read about in history books.
Full Review | Grade: B
Paramount+ Mission

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Cutthroat Island
Cutthroat Island
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