Search Results For R.G. Armstrong

Joy Ride 3: Road Kill (2014)
Rusty Nail, the vengeful trucker with a penchant for pain, slams terror into overdrive in this all-new UNRATED chapter of Joy Ride! A chance encounter between Rusty and a group of hot-headed young...

Krull (1983)
In a fantasy adventure, set in a world peopled by creatures of myth and magic, a prince embarks on a quest to find the magical Glaive and then rescues his young bride. Colwyn (Ken Marshall) is the...

Old School (2003)
Mitch, Frank and Beanie are disillusioned with their personal lives beginning when Mitch's nymphomaniac girlfriend, Heidi, cheats on him, then former party animal Frank gets married, but unwilling to...

Paranormal Activity (2009)
"Paranormal Activity" is a terrifying supernatural thriller featuring shocking footage of a demonic haunting. Katie and Micah were enjoying a happy, carefree life. Their future looked promising until...

Patriot Games (1992)
Jack Ryan, the hero of Tom Clancy's techno-thriller series, returns in the sequel to _The Hunt for Red October_. Ryan is on vacation in England when he spoils an assassination attempt on an...

Revenge of The Nerds (1984)
Geeky college students Gilbert (Anthony Edwards) and Lewis (Robert Carradine) are evicted from their dormitory when the Alpha Betas -- who recently burned down their own fraternity house by accident...

Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987)
In this follow-up to Revenge of the Nerds, the nerdy frat boys from Lambda Lambda Lambda go to Ft. Lauderdale to a national frat conference where they again must outwit the thick-tongued jock...

Risky Business (1983)
Joel Goodsen (Cruise) is a high school senior who is tired of being Mr. All American, facing 'traumatic' decisions such as which Ivy League college to attend. His life takes a totally unexpected turn...

Road Trip (2000)
Road Trip centers on Ithaca University student Barry (Tom Green) and his friends. Trouble begins when Barry's friend Josh (Seann William Scott) cheats on his girlfriend (Rachel Blanchard) with the...

The Saint (1997)
Want someone to infiltrate a top-secret organization or steal a scientific formula that could change the world? For the right price, The Saint's your man. And if you're looking for a "sexy sizzler of...

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Bad Boys II
Bad Boys II
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $7.99
Night of the Animated Dead
Night of the Animated Dead
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99
The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99