Search Results For Adam Brody

American Fiction (2023)
AMERICAN FICTION is Cord Jefferson's hilarious directorial debut, which confronts our culture's obsession with reducing people to outrageous stereotypes. Jeffrey Wright stars as Monk, a frustrated...

CHiPs (2017)
This big-screen adaptation of the famous TV series from the 1970s and '80s stars Dax Shepard and Michael Peña as a pair of California Highway Patrol officers. Ryan Hansen, Jessica McNamee...

Cop Out (2010)
Two longtime NYPD partners on the trail of a stolen, rare, mint-condition baseball card find themselves up against a merciless, memorabilia-obsessed gangster. Jimmy (Bruce Willis) is the veteran...

Jennifer's Body (2009)
Sexy temptress Megan Fox (Transformers) is hotter than hell as Jennifer, a gorgeous, seductive cheerleader who takes evil to a whole new level after she’s possessed by a sinister demon. Steamy...

Lovelace (2013)
In 1972—before the internet, before the porn explosion—Deep Throat was a phenomenon: the first scripted pornographic theatrical feature film, featuring a story, some jokes, and an unknown and unlikely...

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie smolder in one of the most anticipated, sizzling action films ever made. After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith (Pitt...

The Oranges (2012)
Fresh-squeezed laughs and sexy fun sweeten this critically-acclaimed comedy with an all-star cast, including Leighton Meester, Hugh Laurie, Oliver Platt and Catherine Keener. A suburban family’s...

Ready or Not (2019)
READY OR NOT follows a young bride (Samara Weaving) as she joins her new husband’s (Mark O’Brien) rich, eccentric family (Adam Brody, Henry Czerny, Andie MacDowell) in a time-honored tradition that...

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)
Set in a too-near future, the movie explores what people will do when humanity’s last days are at hand. As the respective journeys of Dodge (Mr. Carell) and Penny (Ms. Knightley) converge, their...

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
From New Line Cinema comes “Shazam! Fury of the Gods,” which continues the story of teenage Billy Batson who, upon reciting the magic word “SHAZAM!,” is transformed into his adult Super Hero alter...

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Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $9.99