Search Results For Al Jean

A Christmas Story (1983)
Nine years after the Yuletide slasher flick Black Christmas, Porky's director Bob Clark once again took on the holiday genre, switching from gasps to laughs with A Christmas Story. Adapted from a...

A Simple Favor (2018)
A SIMPLE FAVOR, directed by Paul Feig, centers around Stephanie (Anna Kendrick), a mommy vlogger who seeks to uncover the truth behind her best friend Emily’s (Blake Lively) sudden disappearance...

The Accountant (2016)
Christian Wolff (Affleck) is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accountant for some of the world’s most...

Admission (2013)
Tina Fey (Date Night, 30 Rock) and Paul Rudd (I Love You Man, Knocked Up) star in Admission, the new film directed by Academy Award nominee Paul Weitz (About a Boy), about the surprising detours we...

Alex Cross (2012)
ALEX CROSS follows the young homicide detective/psychologist (Tyler Perry), as he meets his match in a serial killer (Matthew Fox). The two face off in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, but when...

Alien Resurrection (1997)
The future. An old enemy. The perfect predator. Defeated but not destroyed. If only her killer instinct could be reconfigured, reformed ... resurrected.The nefarious experiments begin. An unholy...

Armored (2009)
A crew of officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist... against their own company. Armed with a seemingly fool-proof plan, the men plan on...

The Artist and the Model (2013)
Summer of 1943. In an occupied France, not far away from the Spanish border, a famous old sculptor who is tired of life and wars finds the desire to work on his last masterpiece when a beautiful young...

Babylon (2022)
From Damien Chazelle, BABYLON is an original epic set in 1920s Los Angeles led by Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Diego Calva, with an ensemble cast including Jovan Adepo, Li Jun Li and Jean Smart. A...

Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
When the two shots rang out, Bruce Wayne's life changed forever. He pledged himself to justice and he held that oath for years. The acclaimed, Emmy-winning TV series redefined this complex man as...

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Jack The Giant Slayer
Jack The Giant Slayer
WAS: $14.99
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Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99
Jason X
Jason X
WAS: $9.99
NOW: $4.99