Search Results For Craig T. Nelson

Action Jackson (1988)
Ex-football player Carl Weathers stars in this violent action film as Detroit policeman Jericho Jackson. The dedicated but brutal cop is plunged into nefarious doings concerning a crooked...

Book Club (2018)
Diane (Diane Keaton) is recently widowed after 40 years of marriage. Vivian (Jane Fonda) enjoys her men with no strings attached. Sharon (Candice Bergen) is still working through a decades-old...

Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023)
The highly anticipated sequel follows our four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls' trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their...

The Company Men (2011)
In his feature film directorial debut, John Wells paints a heroic and honest portrait of where our culture is today. The force behind such celebrated shows as ER, THhe West Wing, Southland and the...

Get Hard (2015)
When millionaire hedge fund manager James (Will Ferrell) is nailed for fraud and bound for a stretch in San Quentin, the judge gives him 30 days to get his affairs in order. Desperate, he turns to...

Gold (2017)
Gold is the epic tale of one man’s pursuit of the American dream — to discover gold. Oscar® winner Matthew McConaughey stars as Kenny Wells, a prospector desperate for a...

The Incredibles (2004)
Mr. Incredible is a superhero; or he used to be, until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes submitted by the people they've saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs...

The Incredibles 2 (2018)
Everyone’s favorite family of superheroes is back in “Incredibles 2” – but this time Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, leaving Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson)...

Poltergeist (1982)
When Steve Freeling moves his family into a new house in the development where he is the top homes salesman, it looks like things are going well for him and his family. But as his wife, Diane, and his...

Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
This effects-heavy installment is the inevitable sequel to one of the more effectively spooky and financially successful horror films of the '80s. The Freeling family is trying to grapple with the...

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Batman Forever
Batman Forever
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $4.99
Black or White
Black or White
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $12.99