Search Results For David Gordon Green

Bones and All (2022)
BONES AND ALL is a story of first love between Maren, a young woman learning how to survive on the margins of society, and Lee, an intense and disenfranchised drifter; a liberating road odyssey of two...

The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
Exactly 50 years ago this fall, the most terrifying horror film in history landed on screens, shocking audiences around the world. Now, on Friday, October 13, a new chapter begins. From Blumhouse and...

Halloween (2018)
Jamie Lee Curtis returns to her iconic role as Laurie Strode, who comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing...

Halloween Ends (2022)
Four years after her last encounter with masked killer Michael Myers, Laurie Strode is living with her granddaughter and trying to finish her memoir. Myers hasn't been seen since, and Laurie finally...

Halloween Kills (2021)
In 2018, David Gordon Green's Halloween, starring icon Jamie Lee Curtis, killed at the box office, earning more than $250 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing chapter in the four-decade...

Our Brand Is Crisis (2015)
A Bolivian presidential candidate failing badly in the polls enlists the firepower of an elite American management team, led by the deeply damaged but still brilliant strategist “Calamity”...

Pineapple Express (2008)
Process Server Dale Denton has a grudging business relationship with the laconic Saul Silver, deigning to visit only to purchase Saul's primo product - a rare new strain of pot called Pineapple...

The Sitter (2011)
Get even more raunchy laughs and insane action in this special Unrated version of THE SITTER! Jonah Hill rides out one outrageously wild night in this hilarious comedy from the director of Pineapple...

Stronger (2017)
One man becomes a symbol of hope and determination for a wounded city in Stronger, a deeply personal account of the infamous 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. Based on Jeff Bauman's New...

Your Highness (2011)
Throughout history, tales of chivalry have burnished the legends of brave, handsome knights who rescue fair damsels, slay dragons and conquer evil. But behind many a hero is a good-for-nothing younger...

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Kingsman: The Secret Service
Kingsman: The Secret Service
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Daddy's Home 2
Daddy's Home 2
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99
Friends With Benefits
Friends With Benefits
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $7.99