Search Results For Kristin Chenoweth

The Boy Next Door (2015)
Jennifer Lopez leads the cast in The Boy Next Door, a psychological thriller that explores a forbidden attraction that goes much too far. Directed by Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) and written...

Bros (2022)
From the ferocious comic mind of Billy Eichner (Billy on the Street, 2019's The Lion King, Difficult People, Impeachment: American Crime Story) and the hitmaking brilliance of filmmakers Nicholas...

Hit and Run (2012)
A comedy about a young couple (Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard) that risks it all when they leave their small town life and embark on a road trip that may lead them towards the opportunity of a lifetime....

My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)
A dark force threatens Ponyville, and the Mane 6 - Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity - embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet...

Strange Magic (2015)
“Strange Magic,” a new animated film from Lucasfilm Ltd., will be released by Touchstone Pictures on January 23, 2015. “Strange Magic” is a madcap fairy tale musical inspired by “A Midsummer Night's...

You Again (2010)
No matter how old you are, you never get over high school. Successful PR pro Marni (Kristin Bell) heads home for her older brother’s (Jimmy Wolk) wedding and discovers that he’s marrying her high...

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The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
November Criminals
November Criminals
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99
Tiger 24
Tiger 24
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99