Search Results For Noomi Rapace

Bright (2017)
Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this action-thriller directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, End of Watch, writer...

Child 44 (2015)
A politically-charged serial killer thriller set in 1953 Soviet Russia, CHILD 44 chronicles the crisis of conscience for secret police agent Leo Demidov [Tom Hardy], who loses status, power and home...

Dead Man Down (2013)
Niels Arden Oplev, the acclaimed director of the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, makes his American theatrical debut with the new action thriller, DEAD MAN DOWN. Colin Farrell and Noomi...

The Drop (2014)
THE DROP takes an inside look at Organized crime’s use of local New York City bars as money-laundering ‘drops’. When lonely Brooklyn bartender Bob Saginowski (Tom Hardy) uncovers a drop of a different...

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (2010)
After taking a bullet to the head, Salander is under close supervision in a hospital and is set to face trial for attempted murder on her eventual release. With the help of journalist Mikael Blomkvist...

The Girl Who Played with Fire (2010)
Two journalists on the verge of exposing their story in Millennium about an extensive sex trafficking operation between Eastern Europe and Sweden are brutally murdered. Lisbeth Salander's prints...

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2009)
Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared from a family gathering on the island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger clan. Her body was never found, yet her beloved uncle is convinced it was...

Lamb (2021)
A childless couple in rural Iceland make an alarming discovery one day in their sheep barn. They soon face the consequences of defying the will of nature, in this dark and atmospheric folktale, the...

Passion (2013)
An erotic thriller in the tradition of "Dressed To Kill" and "Basic Instinct", Brian de Palma's PASSION tells the story of a deadly power struggle between two women in the...

Prometheus (2012)
Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the...

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The Sword and the Sorcerer
The Sword and the Sorcerer
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $7.99
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99