Search Results For Ron Clements

Aladdin (1992)
Aladdin, a street rat, is the only person who can enter the cave of wonders and retrieve a magical lamp for the dark Vizier Jafar. Aladdin becomes trapped in the cave with his sidekick, Abu, and...

The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Based on the children's book series Basil of Baker Street by Eve Titus, it draws heavily on the tradition of Sherlock Holmes with a heroic mouse who consciously emulates the detective; Titus named the...

The Little Mermaid (1989)
Ariel, the fun-loving and mischievous mermaid, is enchanted with all things human. Disregarding her father's order to stay away from the world above the sea, she swims to the surface and, in a raging...

The Little Mermaid (2023)
“The Little Mermaid” is the beloved story of Ariel, a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. The youngest of King Triton's daughters and the most defiant, Ariel longs...

Moana (2016)
Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of Oceania. But then, for a millennium, their voyages stopped – and no one...

The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Walt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical The Princess and the Frog, an animated comedy set in the great city of New Orleans. From the creators of “The Little Mermaid” and...

Treasure Planet (2002)
The legendary "loot of a thousand worlds" inspires an intergalactic treasure hunt when 15-year-old Jim Hawkins stumbles upon a map to the greatest pirate trove in the universe in Walt Disney Pictures'...

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Veronica Mars: The Movie
Veronica Mars: The Movie
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $9.99
NOW: $4.99
Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99