Search Results For Rosario Dawson

Ahsoka (2023)
Former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy, setting the stage for an epic adventure in the outer rim. Now a guardian of peace and justice in the shadows...

Alexander (2004)
From Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone ("Any Given Sunday," "Platoon") comes this epic story of Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest...

Batman Lego Movie (2017)
In the irreverent spirit of fun that made "The LEGO® Movie" a worldwide phenomenon, the self-described leading man of that ensemble - LEGO Batman - stars in his own big-screen adventure....

Clerks II (2006)
The sequel picks up 10 years later. "It's about what happens when that lazy, 20-something malaise lasts into your 30s. Those dudes are kind of still mired, not in that same exact situation, but in a...

Clerks III (2022)
Following a massive heart attack, Randal enlists his friends and fellow clerks Dante, Elias, Jay, and Silent Bob to make a movie immortalizing his life at the convenience store that started it all....

Daredevil (2015)
"Marvel's Daredevil" is a live action series that follows the journey of attorney Matt Murdock, who in a tragic accident was blinded as a boy but imbued with extraordinary senses. Murdock sets up...

The Death of Superman (2018)
Based on the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel comes an epic animated movie showcasing Superman’s greatest battle. An asteroid hurtles through our atmosphere and crashes into the ocean, with it...

Eagle Eye (2008)
Shia LaBeouf, reteams with "Disturbia" director D.J. Caruso as a young slacker whose overachieving twin brother has died mysteriously. When the young man returns home, both he and a single...

Grindhouse (2007)
Filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez pay tribute to exploitation films of the 1970s with two features in one. Tarantino directs "Death Proof," a slasher film, and Rodriguez directs...

Haunted Mansion (2023)
Look alive, foolish mortals! We're dying for you to view our teaser trailer and poster for Disney's comically creepy adventure “Haunted Mansion,” which will appear in theaters on July...

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Superman III
Superman III
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Risky Business
Risky Business
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99
Devil's Workshop
Devil's Workshop
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99