Search Results For Ted Raimi

Darkman (1990)
In director Sam Raimi's moody, intense thriller, brilliant scientist Peyton Westlake (Liam Neeson) is almost killed by gangsters in a massive explosion. Unstable and disfigured, Peyton becomes...

The Grudge (2004)
The normal facade of a modest house in Tokyo belies the hidden terror within. It is possessed by a violent plague that destroys the lives of everyone who enters. Known as The Grudge, this curse causes...

Shocker (1989)
Frightmeister Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street) creates a new boogieman in Horace Pinker (Mitch Pileggi). All the electric chair does to Horace is turn him into a high-voltage phantom that haunts...

Spider-man 3 (2007)
A strange black entity from another world bonds with Peter Parker and causes inner turmoil as he contends with new villains, temptations, and revenge. Director Sam Raimi and stars Tobey Maguire...

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Million Dollar Baby
Million Dollar Baby
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $7.99
Money Talks
Money Talks
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99