Search Results For Walter Hill

48 Hrs. (1982)
Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy make one of the most unusual and entertaining teams ever in Walter Hill's roller-coaster thriller, 48 Hrs. Nolte is a rough-edged cop after two vicious cop-killers. He...

Alien 3 (1992)
ALIEN 3, picks up almost directly after the events in ALIENS, finding Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) frozen in suspended animation as her ship crashes on Fiorina 161, a prison planet. When awakened by the...

Aliens (1986)
After floating in space for 57 years, Lt. Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) shuttle is found by a deep space salvage team. Upon arriving at LV-426, the marines find only one survivor, a nine-year-old girl...

Another 48 Hrs. (1990)
Here they go again. Only faster. And tougher. Reggie Hammond (Eddie Murphy) and Jack Cates (Nick Nolte) return in the smash sequel that's "better than the first!" (Pat Collins, WWOR-TV). How much...

The Assignment (2017)
Legendary director Walter Hill gives the revenge film a modern neo-noir twist with this electrifying thriller. Hit man Frank Kitchen (Rodriguez) is given a lethal assignment, but after being...

Brewster's Millions (1985)
Richard Pryor is Montgomery Brewster, a minor league baseball pitcher who discovers he has to blow $30 million in 30 days as a condition to inherit a much greater fortune. Here's the catch: He...

Bullet to the Head (2013)
When veteran hit man Jimmy Bobo (Sylvester Stallone) and his partner, Louis (Jon Seda), kill a corrupt ex-cop, Louis in turn loses his life to an ex-mercenary named Keegan (Jason Momoa). Detective...

Last Man Standing (1996)
Loyal to nobody but himself, John Smith (Bruce Willis) hires his services out to Fredo Strozzi (Ned Eisenberg), a bootlegging gangster who operates in a drab Texas town. However, he is quick to trade...

Red Heat (1988)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY) is Captain Ivan Danko, a by-the-book Russian detective who partners with a fearless but undisciplined American cop (James Belushi) to track down...

Streets of Fire (1984)
Get ready for a “rock ‘n’ roll fable” unlike anything you’ve seen before in this sexy, gritty thriller starring Hollywood heavy-hitters Willem Dafoe, Diane Lane, Amy Madigan, Michael Paré, and Rick...

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When in Rome
When in Rome
WAS: $17.99
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The November Man
The November Man
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The Adjustment Bureau
The Adjustment Bureau
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99