Search Results For Zooey Deschanel

Almost Famous (2000)
A coming-of-age story about a 15-year-old boy hitting the road with an up-and-coming rock band in the early 1970s. Elaine Miller is a bright, loving, but strict single parent whose distrust of rock...

The Happening (2008)
It begins with no clear warning. In a matter of minutes, episodes of strange, chilling deaths erupt in major American cities. For Philadelphia high school science teacher Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg)...

Harold and the Purple Crayon (2024)
Inside of his book, adventurous Harold (Zachary Levi) can make anything come to life simply by drawing it. After he grows up and draws himself off the book's pages and into the physical world, Harold...

New Girl (2011)
A comedy series from executive producer and writer Liz Meriwether ("No Strings Attached"), NEW GIRL features a young ensemble cast and takes a fresh look at modern relationships.After a bad break-up...

Our Idiot Brother (2011)
Ned Rochlin looks for the good in every situation and in everyone, which often puts him at odds with the world around him -- especially his family. Upon being released from jail for a stupid mistake...

Rock the Kasbah (2015)
ROCK THE KASBAH is the story of "Richie Vance," a has-been rock manager who takes his last remaining client on a USO tour of Afghanistan. When Richie finds himself in Kabul, abandoned...

Surf's Up (2007)
Teenage Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick (voiced by Shia LaBeouf), an up-and-coming surfer, enters his first pro competition. Followed by a camera crew to document his experiences, Cody leaves his...

Trolls Band Together (2023)
This holiday season, get ready for an action-packed, all-star, rainbow-colored family reunion like no other as Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake return for the new chapter in DreamWorks Animation's...

Your Highness (2011)
Throughout history, tales of chivalry have burnished the legends of brave, handsome knights who rescue fair damsels, slay dragons and conquer evil. But behind many a hero is a good-for-nothing younger...

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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $12.99
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
WAS: $17.99
NOW: $4.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99