The Flash (2014)


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Air Date:  Tuesday, October 7, 2014  
Studio: Warner Bros.
Genre: TV/Streaming Series
Rating: The Flash is rated TV-PG This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children.

The Flash Synopsis

"The Flash" follows the journey of Barry Allen, who was 11 years old when his mother was killed in a strange incident and his father was wrongly convicted of the murder. Raised by Detective Joe West, Barry becomes a brilliant CSI investigator-driven to uncover the truth about his mother's death. When a particle accelerator created by Harrison Wells and his S.T.A.R. Labs team causes a freak storm and Barry is struck by lightning, he wakes up with the power of super speed. He must use his abilities to protect Central City from meta-humans misusing their powers while solving the mystery of his mother's death and clearing his father's name. Join Barry on his exciting journey as he discovers his true identity as the fastest man alive. #TheFlash.

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The Flash images are Courtesy of Warner Bros.. All Rights Reserved.

The Flash: The Complete Third Season Physical Media: Blu-ray Review
The Flash is probably one of the best television shows today.  The writers bring you into the story and you feel invested as to what happens. The actors seem like a real team and their problems and achievements become yours.
Full Review | Grade: B
The Flash: The Complete Fourth Season Physical Media: Blu-ray Review
The Flash is one of the best television shows today.  The writers bring consistent storylines.  The acting is natural as if the characters are letting the audience into their lives.
Full Review | Grade: A
The Flash: The Complete Second Season Physical Media: Blu-ray Review
There is so much to be said about Warner Bros. Television & CW and how they are dominating the DC TV universe and how they really seem to be in the zone!
Full Review | Grade: A
The Flash: The Complete Fifth Season Physical Media: Blu-ray Review
The Flash is an example of what is right with television today as it entertains with great characters, strong writing and excellent storytelling.
Full Review | Grade: A
The Flash: The Complete Sixth Season Physical Media: Blu-ray Review
The cast has terrific chemistry which is part of what has made the show so popular.
Full Review | Grade: B

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